Bring a Below 100 Course to Your Agency
Submit the form below to start the process of hosting a Below 100 Course. You may submit the form even if you are just exploring the idea of your agency hosting a course.
There is no limit to how many attendees can participate in a Below 100 Intensive Course. For smaller venues or to accommodate shift schedules, we can conduct multiple sessions.
There is a limit of 25 that can attend a Below 100 Train The Trainer Course. And, trainer candidates must first attend a Below 100 Intensive Course.
The host agency is responsible for:
- Identifying a venue with suitable presentation technology for the course to be taught
- Promoting the course and registering attendees
- Coordinating with the Below 100 trainer ahead of the course
- Reporting back at the conclusion of the course
Below 100 Trainers are not compensated for their time, but we do ask that host agencies cover the cost of their travel. If a budget doesn’t exist to cover travel expenses, Below 100 may be able to cover those costs through a grant.