This page contains resources and handout materials for law enforcement trainers implementing the Below 100 initiative.  See Trainer’s Notes for suggestions on material use.

Below 100-An Overview

Trainer’s Notes: An 8.5×11, two page printout that provides a mission statement, program background, message and testimonials. This is a good primer for officers new to the program. It can also be distributed for placement around the department as a visual reminder.

Below 100 High Level Summary & Testimonials

Agency Risk Assessment

Trainer’s Notes: No two agencies are the same. Below 100 is predicated on making change where it’s possible and where it’s needed. Use this document to assess your department. Distribute it among patrol officers as well as management to get multiple perspectives. Encourage honesty and, if appropriate, guarantee anonymity. Review responses to get a sense of where improvements can be made. This knowledge will help you to implement a Below 100 program suited to address your weaknesses. This document can be printed up as two 8.5×11 pages or one double-sided 8.5×11 page.

Agency Risk Assessment

Below 100 Pledge

Trainer’s Notes: These pledges can be distributed among officers to document their commitment to embracing a Below 100 culture. This 8.5×11 document consists of two pledges per page.

The Below 100 Pledge

Below 100 Magazine Feature

Trainer’s Notes: This 10-page feature ran in the October 2010 issue of Law Officer and marked the formal beginning of Below 100. It features an introduction by legendary California Patrol Officer and Lexipol co-president Gordon Graham. Editor-in-Chief Dale Stockton provides an overview. Capt. Travis Yates covers seatbelts and speed. Chief Jeff Chudwin covers vest use and lethal complacency. Brian Willis covers WIN-What’s Important Now? Finally, Sgt. Marcus Young of the FBI’s LEOKA Program discusses the events that nearly took his life. This is a more in-depth explanation of what Below 100 is-and why it matters. It can be printed in color or black and white. Double-sided, it fills five 8.5×11 pages.

Download: Below 100 Magazine Feature (PDF)

Sample Vest Saves

Trainer’s Notes: This document features descriptions of four vest saves from the Bureau of Justice Assistance. It’s an objective reporting of incidence that might have taken the lives of the officers involved if not for their decisions to wear armor. This is especially helpful if there is resistance in your agency to wearing armor full time. The document prints as four 8.5×11 pages.

Download: Sample Vest Saves (PDF)

California POST Driver’s Safety Study

Trainer’s Notes: This 10-page document was prepared by California POST to address safe-driving issues. This is good presentation material that provides solid recommendations, which it backs up with statistics-especially helpful if you are having trouble curbing dangerous driving in your department. Double sided, this color document fills five 8.5×11 sheets of paper.

Download: California POST Driver’s Safety Study (PDF)